- Sitting behind the window was a corpulent woman with a face of steel.
CorpulentEffect of dietary sucrose on the SHR/N-corpulent rat: a new model for insulin-independent diabetes.Plasma lipid secretion and clearance in hyperlipidemic JCR:LA-corpulent ratsEarly atherosclerotic lesions in a susceptible rat model. The LA/N-corpulent rat.Atherogenesis in two strains of obese rats. The fatty Zucker and LA/N-corpulent.Hypothalamic neuropeptide Y disturbances in the obese ( cp/cp ) JCR:LA corpulent ratEffects of chronic ethanol consumption in atherosclerosis-prone JCR:LA-corpulent rat.Increased hepatic VLDL secretion, lipogenesis, and SREBP-1 expression in the corpulent JCR:LA-cp rat.Insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance in the atherosclerosis-prone LA/N corpulent ratMyocardial function and energy substrate metabolism in the insulin-resistant JCR:LA corpulent rat.