- On that score the old system of historic-cost accounting was worse.
基于以上那点,那么传统的历史成本会计模式更糟糕。 - Dave Cress, a new cost accountant, proposed the use of a standard costing system.
Cost accounting : a managerial emphasis
Cost accounting : a managerial emphasis
Management and Cost Accounting
Management and Cost Accounting
How Cost Accounting Distorts Product Costs
Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal
How Cost Accounting Distorts Product Costs? Management Accounting
Environmental and Material Flow Cost Accounting
Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Tropical and Temperate Agriculture: The need for a Full-Cost accounting of Global Warming Potentials
Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Tropical and Temperate Agriculture: The Need for a Full-Cost Accounting of Global Warming Potentials