COSTUMERCOSTUMERCostumerCollapsible costumerMETHOD FOR COSTUMER DEFINABLE TELEPHONE CAPABILITYCostumer Loyality: menumbuhkan dan mempertahankan kesetiaan pelangganProductivity and Costumer Satisfaction - A DEA Network ModelThe Influence of Costumer-based Brand Equity to L.A Lights Customer LoyaltyService Climate Effects on Costumer Attituteds: An Examination of Boundary ConditionsThe Review Study on Conceptual Model about Costumer Satisfaction in ServiceMEASURING costumer satisfaction: gaining costumer relationship strategy : teknik mengukur dan strategi meningkatkan kepuasan pelangg...Method and an associated system for instantaneously obtaining costumer consent in relation to the purchase of a good or serviceALGORITHM FOR THE CALCULATION OF THE LAPLACE- STIELTJES TRANSFORM OF THE SOJOURN TIME OF A COSTUMER IN AN OPEN NETWORK OF QUEUES, WI...