- The agouti is a key player in the life of the Brazil nut tree.
Configuration of the portal venous system in agouties (Dasyprocta aguti, RODENTIA)Configuração do sistema venoso portal na cutia (Dasyprocta aguti, RODENTIA) Configuration of the portal venous system in agouties ...Dispersión de semillas de dos especies arbóreas comerciales diseminadas por vertebrados en bosques fragmentados de Sarapiquí, Cos...Abundancia de tepezcuintle (Cuniculus paca) y relación de su presencia con la de competidores y depredadores en una selva tropicalDamage by large mammals to subsistence crops within a protected area in a montane forest of BoliviaPaleontology, Evolution and Systematics of CapybaraTrenching Increased Growth, and Irrigation Increased Survival of Tree Seedlings in the Understorey of a Semi-Evergreen Rain Forest i...Caracterização do uso comercial e de subsistência da fauna silvestre no município de Abaetetuba, PAA new species of Chubutomys (Rodentia, Hystricognathi) from the late Oligocene of Patagonia and its implications on the early evol...Configuração do sistema venoso portal na cutia (Dasyprocta aguti, RODENTIA)