- In very gradual, complex ways, Britain may prove to be, not the Trojan horse of American influence which France has always feared, but, on the contrary, a counterpoise to the American tide.
虽然过程缓慢,方式也很复杂,可英国也许能够证明他们并非是法国总是害怕的那种美国势力的潜在危险。恰恰相反,他们是与美国潮流抗衡的力量。 - An influence or force tending to produce equilibrium; counterpoise.
平衡力趋向于产生平衡的影响或力量; 平衡、均衡 - A weight that acts to balance another; a counterpoise or counterweight.
衡重体能与另一个平衡的重量; 衡重体或平衡锤
State of the Art in Counterpoise Theory
Counterpoise-corrected potential energy surfaces of simple H-bonded systems
Effective length of counterpoise wire under lightning current
Fractal antenna ground counterpoise, ground planes, and loading elements
ChemInform Abstract: State of the Art in Counterpoise Theory
Accuracy of the Boys and Bernardi function counterpoise method
Hierarchy of counterpoise corrections for N -body clusters: generalization of the Boys-Bernardi scheme
Counterpoise corrected interaction energies are not systematically better than uncorrected ones: comparison with CCSD(T) CBS extrapo...
An application of the functional Boys-Bernardi counterpoise method to molecular potential surfaces
On the usefulness of the counterpoise method on hydrogen-bonded complexes: a numerical test using near complete basis sets on H 2 O ...