Longhorn Cowfish
Cowfish (Umisuzume, Lactoria diaphana) poisoning with rhabdomyolysis.
Assessment of COWFISH for predicting trout populations in grazed watersheds of the Intermountain West
Scrawled Cowfish, Acanthostracion quadricornis (Tetraodontiformes: Ostraciidae), Collected from Argentine Waters.
A Benthic Juvenile Scrawled Cowfish (Acanthostracion quadricornis) from the Lower Hudson River Estuary
New record of the longhorn cowfish Lactoria cornuta (Linnaeus 1758) from inshore waters of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh
A developmentally “tail-less” adult cowfish, Lactoria cornuta, from Oman (Ostraciidae, Tetraodontiformes)
Evaluation of the U.S. Forest Service ' COWFISH ' Model for Assessing Livestock Impacts on Fisheries in the Beaverhead National Fore...
Iridociliary melanoma with secondary lens luxation: distinctive findings in a long-horned cowfish (Lactoria cornuta).
White rings on the threatened coral, Acropora palmata, associated with foraging activity of the honeycomb cowfish, Acanthostracion ...