用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- crack a bottle打开酒瓶喝酒
- crack a criminal case破案
- crack a difficult problem解难题
- crack the whip突然采取严厉的措施
- crack a joke说笑话
- crack a smile笑
~+副词- crack down on the gangsters对无赖采取严厉措施
- crack out破裂,炸开,裂开
- crack up夸奖,吹捧,毁灭,(人)身体垮了
- crack a person up称赞一个人
~+介词- crack into two裂成两半
- crack over the city(烟火)在这城市上空劈劈啪啪地爆响
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- cause a crack引起破裂
- get off a crack说俏皮话
形容词+~- dangerous crack危险的裂缝
- dirty crack难听的俏皮话
- nasty crack猛撞
介词+~~+介词- make cracks about〔at〕 sb挖苦某人
- the cracks between…之间的缝隙
- crack in the egg鸡蛋上的裂缝
- the crack of a whip鞭子的噼啪声
fatigue crack疲劳裂纹
crack down镇压;取缔;劈啪击下
crack propagation裂纹扩展
crack down on镇压;制裁
crack tip裂纹尖端,裂纹端
crack growth裂纹扩展;龟裂增长
crack on v. [口]继续疾驶;满帆前进;继续干下去
crack resistance抗裂性;抗裂度;裂纹阻力
crack initiation裂纹萌生;裂纹开裂
crack width裂缝宽度
crack control n. 裂绞控制
crack length裂纹长度;裂缝长度;裂隙长度
crack formation龟裂形成
get cracking开始;开始工作;开始移动
hot crack[机]热裂,过热裂缝
crack a smile[俚]展颜微笑
transverse crack横裂;横向裂缝
crack extension裂纹扩展;裂纹扩张
crack detection裂纹检验
shrinkage crack收缩裂缝
- The glass will crack if you pour boiled water into it .
一倒进去滚开水,这个玻璃杯就会破裂。 - You may crack these nuts with a hammer.
你可以用锤子把这些坚果敲开。 - I cracked two eggs into the frying pan.
我往平底锅里打了两个鸡蛋。 - Thunder cracked overhead.
雷在头顶上炸响了。 - Dad fell and cracked his head against the door.
爸爸摔倒了,头重重地撞在门上。 - The histone code will not be easy to crack.
组织蛋白的密码不是那么容易破解的。 - His voice cracked with emotion.
由于激动,他的声音变得嘶哑。 - The boy's voice is beginning to crack at the age of puberty.
这男孩子的嗓音在发育期开始变得粗声粗气。 - Anyone can crack under pressure.
任何人在压力之下都会崩溃。 - Police are cracking down on drug dealers.
- There is a crack in this window.
这扇窗户上有个裂纹。 - They wormed their way out through the crack in the wall.
他们好不容易才从墙上的裂缝处爬了出来。 - After only a year, cracks started to appear in their marriage.
仅一年后,他们的婚姻就开始出现裂痕。 - The crack of a rifle is very sharp.
手枪的爆声很尖锐。 - The branch broke with a sharp crack.
树枝折断时发出刺耳的劈啪声。 - He was struck with a smart crack on the head.
他头上突然被猛击了一下。 - This is her first crack at writing a book.
这是她第一次尝试写书。 - Red always goofs off, or thinks of a smart crack instead of working.
- She is a crack shot with a rifle.
The Stress Analysis of Cracks
Slightly curved or kinked cracks
The Stress Analysis Of Cracks Handbook
The stress analysis of cracks handbook, 1973
Rupture velocity of plane strain shear cracks
The failure of brittle solids containing small cracks under compressive stress states
New crack‐tip elements for XFEM and applications to cohesive cracks
Wave speeds and attenuation of elastic waves in material containing cracks
Falling through the cracks: challenges and opportunities for improving transitional care for persons with continuous complex care ne...
A Path Independent Integral and the Approximate Analysis of Strain Concentration by Notches and Cracks