- Attention to detail is the hallmark of a fine craftsman.
能工巧匠的特点是一丝不苟。 - The craftsman taught his son and heir how to make pots.
这个工匠向他的独子传授了制罐的手艺。 - You cannot expect an apprentice to have the same dexterity as a master craftsman.
你不能期望一个学徒做得象卓越的技工一样灵活。 - He's apprenticed to a craftsman.
他去跟一名手艺人当学徒。 - The craftsman can make elegant ship models by hand.
Software Testing: A Craftsman's Approach
Software Testing : A Craftsman's Approach / P.C. Jorgensen.
Organocopper for the craftsman cunning at his trade
Inhalation anthrax in a home craftsman
Beyond professionalism: The child and youth care worker as craftsman
The story of craft : the craftsman's role in society
The Craftsman's Handbook (Il Libro dell’ Arte)
Use Excellent Traditional Culture to Nourish Craftsman Spirit of Young Teachers in Higher Vocational Colleges
Object-process Analysis: Maintaining the Balance Between System Structure and Behaviour
Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change