car crash车祸;汽车碰撞
air crash飞机失事
stock market crash股市崩盘;股市行情暴跌
crash course 速成课(等于cram course)
crash into v. 闯入;撞到…上
crash test碰撞试验
crash program应急计划;紧急措施
crash helmet安全帽;(飞行员,摩托车驾驶员等的)防撞头盔
crash landing迫降;紧急着陆
disk crash磁碟毁灭
- The two boats sank together after crashing.
这两条船相撞后同时下沉。 - The Ministry of Transport made a searching enquiry to discover the cause of the plane crash.
交通部进行了一次彻底的调查,以查明飞机坠毁的原因。 - The lorry had concertinaed after crashing into the tree.
卡车撞到大树后摺在一起。 - They've promised a thorough inquiry into the plane crash.
Keeping Car from Crashing
Keeping cars from crashing
Keeping cars from crashing
Keeping cars from crashing
Crashing and creeping: agenda-setting dynamics in the European Union
Concurrent Crashing and Overlapping in Product Development
Method for capturing a display frame of a computer crashing
Raising Roofs, Crashing Cycles, and Playing Pool: Applications of a Data Structure for Finding Pairwise Interactions
A Stochastic Branch-and-Bound Approach to Activity Crashing in Project Management
Integrated vendor-buyer cooperative inventory model with nonlinear lead time crashing cost基于非线性提前期成本的供需一体化库存模型