- A lot of people go to the crematory to burn paper as a sacrificial offering on Tomb-sweeping Day.
CrematoryCrematory.CrematoryCrematory with incineratorOwning A CrematoryThe Perrins Ledge crematoryA MIDDLE MISSISSIPPIAN CREMATORY BURIALPCDDs/PCDFs emission from a crematoryInfluence of crematory processes on trace element content in human teethDevice for feeding ashes from a crematory furnace to an urn filling installationTrace element analysis of Bronze Age skeletal and crematory graves from Southern Poland for diet reconstructionDirectional heterogeneity of environmental disamenities: the impact of crematory operations on adjacent residential valuesWhat Remains?: (De)Composing and (Re)Covering American Identity in "As I Lay Dying"and the Georgia Crematory Scandal