cricoid cartilage环状软骨;环球软骨
Cricoid pressure with or without the "cricoid yoke"
A novel method of measuring cricoid force
Effect of cricoid pressure on ease of insertion of the laryngeal mask airway
Vanner RG: Tolerance of cricoid pressure on conscious volunteers
Anterior cricoid split: the Chicago experience with an alternative to tracheotomy
Effect of cricoid force on airway calibre in children: a bronchoscopic assessment
The effect of cricoid pressure on preventing gastric insufflation in infants and children
Cricoid compression is effective in obliterating the esophageal lumen in the presence of a nasogastric tube
Partial cricoid resection with primary tracheal anastomosis for subglottic stenosis in infants and children
Management of the extubation problem in the premature child. Anterior cricoid split as an alternative to tracheotomy.