Interpreting Crith GablachWHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE MICRO CRITH?Potent herbicidal activity of Inula crithmoïdes LCrithidium luciliae immunofluorescence test (CL test) a simple and reliable method for detecting anti-native DNA antibodiesSecondary Metabolites from the aerial parts of Inula crithmoïdes L. (Compositae)[Simple fluorescence method of detecting antibodies to native DNA using Crithidium lucillae as an antigen substrate]Of Yesterday and the River by June CrithfieldProsta metoda immunofluorescencyjna wykrywania prezeciwciał przeciw natywnemu DNA przy zastosowaniu crithidium luciliae jako substr...CRITHLOINNIR by CAITRÍONA NÍ CHLÉIRCHÍNWafer position error detection and correction system