OPTIMIZATION OF CROSSPIECE OF WASHING MACHINEInsulation for a crosspiece of a universal jointVEHICLE BUMPER BEAM COMPRISING A CROSSPIECE AND TWO SHOCK ABSORBERSEnhancing the foundation management and reducing the knitting yarn crosspieceFilter element with at least one guide crosspiece, filter with a filter element and filter housing of a filterAsymptotics of the solution of the Dirichlet problem in domains with a thin crosspieceDeflection compensation roll and process for supporting a roll jacket on a crosspiece of the deflection compensation rollSynthesis of Medium-sized Cyclic Sulfides and Selenides by Crosspiece C-X Bond Cleavage of Bicyclic Onium Salts bearing a Bridgehead...CHARACTERISTICS OF ELASTO-PLASTIC ROTATIONAL EMBEDMENT OF TRADITIONAL WOODEN JOINTS AND FORMULATION OF CROSSPIECE JOINTSApparatus and method for severing fillets completely from the carcass of beheaded and eviscerated fish, a crosspiece left by other t...