CURARA IN TETANUSCURARA IN TETANUS : The LancetData concerning the action of curara on the respiratory centre.CONCERNING THE ACTION OF CURARA AND PHYSOSTIGMINE UPON NERVE ENDINGS OR MUSCLESロボティックウェア curara における歩行補助効果の計測と制御Development of Single-legged Robotic Wear curara for Hemiplegia PatientsThe action of drugs on the output of epinephrin from the adrenals V CuraraEXTRACTION TECHNIQUES IN EXPLORATION FOR BURIED MINERALIZATION, CURARA WELL, WESTERN AUSTRALIAWalking Assist for Spinocerebellar Degeneration Patients using Robotic wear curaraEvaluation of walking smoothness using wearable robotic system curara® for spinocerebellar degeneration patients