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Oz Pearlman - Curveball企鹅心灵魔术
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Curveball by Oz Pearlman年
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In thestudy,fivevolunteerswitnessedacomputersimulationof what batters see facingacurveball.
Thefactis,lifeisfairly oftenunrealistic.Sciencecan'tmeasurethetendencyofthe universetothrowyouagenuinecurveball.
Jotting downwhatworriesyou—facingan unexpected curveballof aquestion, tripping on thestepsleading up to the podium—mayweakentheeffect.
Curve ball
Curve ball
Curve Ball
Stretch Factor of Curveball Routing in Wireless Network: Cost of Load Balancing
Stretch Factor of Curveball Routing in Wireless Network: Cost of Load Balancing
Balancing traffic load in wireless networks with curveball routing
The lateral force on a spinning sphere: Aerodynamics of a curveball
A biomechanical comparison of the fastball and curveball in adolescent baseball pitchers
Kinetic comparison among the fastball, curveball, change-up, and slider in collegiate baseball pitchers
The perceptual illusion of baseball's rising fastball and breaking curveball.
A biomechanical comparison of youth baseball pitches: is the curveball potentially harmful?
A three-dimensional cinematographic analysis of the fastball and curveball pitches in baseball
A three-dimensional cinematographic analysis of upper limb movement during fastball and curveball baseball pitches