  • abbr.

    Discrete Address Beacon System 离散地址信标系统;

  • 学习怎么用


    A new method of cannabis ingestion: the dangers of dabs?
    Amino acid analysis of tryptic fragments using dabs derivatization
    The ecology of 0-group plaice and common dabs at Loch Ewe I. Population and food
    Opportunistic feeding by dabs within areas of trawl disturbance: possible implications for increased survival
    The ecology of 0-group plaice and common dabs in Loch Ewe. II. Experimental studies of metabolism
    The ecology of 0-group plaice and common dabs in loch ewe. III. Prey-predator experiments with plaice
    The ecology of 0-group plaice and common dabs in loch ewe. IV. Dynamics of the plaice and dab populations
    HPLC Analysis of Taurine in Human Plasma Sample Using the Dabs-Ci Reagent with Sensitivity at Picomole Level
    Reduction of DABS-L-methionine-dl-sulfoxide by protein methionine sulfoxide reductase from polymorphonuclear leukocytes: stereospeci...
    The Ecology of O-Group Plaice and Common Dabs at Loch Ewe Scotland I Population and Food Diet Tellina Polychate Amphipod Cumaceans