- These vessels ride on a cushion of air when in use.
这些舰船在开动的时候,是浮在气垫上的。 - It's time to go home, let the air out of the air bed.
Air spring
Air spring
Air spring
Study on dynamic characteristic analysis of air spring with auxiliary chamber
Pneumatic proportioning system for vehicle air springs
Derivation of Air Spring Model Parameters for Train Simulation
Experimental and theoretical analysis of an air spring with auxiliary reservoir
Sliding mode control of active suspension for transit buses based on a novel air-spring model
Three-dimensional airspring model with friction and orifice damping
Linearized model for dynamic stiffness of air spring with auxiliary chamber
Mathematical modelling of the secondary airspring suspension in railway vehicles and its effect on safety and ride comfort
Development and analysis of an air spring model
Research on theoretical calculation model for dynamic stiffness of air spring with auxiliary chamber