Daytime ProtocolDaytime ProtocolDaytime ProtocolLoneliness Impairs Daytime Functioning But Not Sleep DurationAnalgesic use, pain and daytime sedation in people with and without dementia in aged care facilities: a cross-sectional, multisite, ...EFFECT OF DAYTIME NAP IN SLEEP DEPRIVATION ON REACTIVE AGILITYThe Use of the Internet Print Protocol [IPP] as a Facsimile Service [FAX]Effects of different sleep restriction protocols on sleep architecture and daytime vigilance in healthy menPredicting continuous positive airway pressure from a modified split-night protocol in moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea-hy...Dose-response effects of zopiclone on night sleep and on nighttime and daytime functioning.Nocturnal, daytime, and postural changes of plasma aldosterone before and during dexamethasone in adenomatous and idiopathic aldoste...Antidiuresis: a new concept in managing female daytime urinary incontinence.Night time versus daytime transient ischaemic attack and ischaemic stroke: a prospective study of 110 patients.