- Her already debilitated constitution is being further weakenedby overwork and smoking.
她那本已虚弱的身体由于劳累过度和抽烟而变得更弱了。 - I am fearfully exhausted and debilitated by this attack .
Sounding Board. Allowing the debilitated to die. Facing our ethical choices
Exercise training in the debilitated aged: Strength and functional outcomes ☆ ☆☆ ★ ★★
Delorme's procedure for complete rectal prolapse in severely debilitated patients
Multiple molecular pathways for fitness recovery of an RNA virus debilitated by operation of Muller's ratchet
Effects of plasmid-mediated growth hormone-releasing hormone in severely debilitated dogs with cancer
Atypical decubital fibroplasia. A distinctive fibroblastic pseudotumor occurring in debilitated patients.
Commonly used methods of estimating creatinine clearance are inadequate for elderly debilitated nursing home patients.
Epidemic Visceral Leishmaniasis in Southern Sudan: Treatment of Severely Debilitated Patients under Wartime Conditions and with Limi...
Lameness in dairy cattle: A debilitating disease or a disease of debilitated cattle? A cross-sectional study of lameness prevalence ...
Microdeformational wound therapy: effects on angiogenesis and matrix metalloproteinases in chronic wounds of 3 debilitated patients