Can Odontocetes Debilitate Prey with Sound?Intense ultrasonic clicks from echolocating toothed whales do not elicit anti-predator responses or debilitate the squid Loligo peal...Exercise training in the debilitated aged: Strength and functional outcomes ☆ ☆☆ ★ ★★The smallpox vaccination strain MVA: marker, genetic structure, experience gained with the parenteral vaccination and behaviour in o...Multicenter preoperative stroke risk index for patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Multicenter Study of Periop...Preclinical and clinical manifestations of paratuberculosis (including pathology).Frequency and importance of postprandial blood pressure reduction in elderly nursing-home patients.Pharmaceutical formulations designed to supplement the diet of anorexic patientsApparatus and method for treating atherosclerotic vascular disease through light sterilizationApparatus and method for debilitating or killing microorganisms within the body