- When they debrief you, that’s the story you’ll tell.
当他们向你询问情况时,那就是你要讲述的故事。 - Clinton is due to debrief the National Security Council and Obama on his trip.
Multicultural factors in the space environment: results of an international shuttle crew debrief
Evaluation using cued-recall debrief to elicit information about a user's affective experiences
Operation debrief: a SHARP improvement in performance feedback in the operating room.
To debrief or not to debrief our heroes: that is the question
Debrief of a tax advisor (administration) Saigon, Vietnam, 1966-1967
Forensic medical lessons learned from the Victorian Bushfire Disaster: recommendations from the Phase 5 debrief.
24 – All-in-one-room Schoolhouse : Clinical Simulation Stage, Control, Debrief, and Utilities All within a Single Room
How to debrief and cut the high cost of Staff Churn
Leakage of Experimental Information to Potential Future Subjects by Debriefed Subjects.
On a Resurgence of Management Simulations and Games