first decennium of somatic hybridizationThe first decennium of the Journal of Economic PsychologyDie Schicksale der Transfusion im Letzten DecenniumReport on the first decennium of clinical experience with a cementless ceramic total hip replacement.Building a Better MBA: From a Decade of Critique Toward a Decennium of CreationBuilding a Better MBA: From a Decade of Critique Toward a Decennium of CreationConceptual labs as an arena for learning: Experiences from a decennium of design and implementationOverzicht van de tijwaarnemingen in het Zeescheldebekken gedurende het decennium 1981-1990Het Belgisch buitenlands beleid na het Sint-Michielsakkoord van 1992: een decennium gedefederaliseerd buitenlands beleidA translation of: The scientific progress of otology in the past decennium (until late 1862) by Hermann Schwartze: pathology and the...