The last-decennary activities in ice engineering (2)
Decennary development of fuzzy systems as universal approximators
Orbital tumors in adults - A decennary study
The last-decennary activites of the avalanche reserch group in Japan(1)
Decennary variations of dissolved heavy metals in seawater of Bohai Bay, North China.
A Decennary Journey towards the Efficient Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Highly Functionalized Ketones.
A Study of Temperature Change on Decennary Scale in China and Peripheral Area
Reflection and Suggestion on the Decennary Development of Professional Master Degree of Education
Beliefs and practices of newborn feeding in tribal areas of India: a decennary review
A Study of Temperature Change on Decennary Scale in China and Peripheral Area中国及周边地区气温年代际变化的研究