saccus deciduae翻译
membranae deciduae蜕膜
Zur sog. Endometritis deciduae tuberosaüber die Hyperplasia deciduae tuberosaImplantation and Formation of the DeciduaeImplantation and Formation of the DeciduaeM1 macrophages increase in the deciduae of miscarriages with normal fetal chromosomeMicae panis coelestis, De mensa domini deciduae, pro catellis famelicis collectae /Apoptosis and proliferation in human chorionic villi and deciduae during spontaneous abortionXIV. Beitrag Zur Frage Der Endometritis, Insbesondere Der Retentio Chorii Et Deciduae.M1 macrophages decrease in the deciduae from normal pregnancies but not from spontaneous abortions or unexplained recurrent spontane...Characterization of alkaline phosphatase from rat pregnant and pseudopregnant deciduae, fetal placentae, anestrus uteri and small in...