decorative design装饰设计
decorative lighting装饰照明;装饰灯具
decorative art装饰艺术;装饰性艺术饰品
decorative glass装饰玻璃;镶嵌玻璃
decorative paint装饰涂料
decorative paper装饰纸;装饰纸品
decorative laminate[材料]装饰性层压板
decorative sheet n. 树脂装饰板,装饰薄片
- The style is ornate and highly decorative.
这种风格很华丽,而且装饰效果很好。 - The items he makes are purely decorative.
他做的那些物品纯粹用于装饰。 - The buildings were utilitarian rather than decorative.
Simulating decorative mosaics
Simulating decorative mosaics
Method for forming a decorative cover about a flower pot
An Analysis of Decorative Art in the Creation of Lacquer Painting
Motive decorative noi identificate pe ceramica Starčevo-Criş de la Cristian III (Judeţul Sibiu)
Adhesive article for and method of applying a decorative finish to a phone
Variation of color in titanium and zirconium nitride decorative thin films
The Sense of Order: A Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art by E. H. Gombrich
The information percolator:ambient information display in a decorative object
Stylistic Variation in Evolutionary Perspective: Inferences from Decorative Diversity and Interassemblage Distance in Illinois Woodl...