- Can you cancel a date with decorum?
你能够有礼貌地取消约会吗? - I hope you will behave with decorum at the funeral.
我们希望你在葬礼上做到得体有礼。 - Each had enough decorum to suspend further hostilities.
Decorum, power, and the courtly style
DEcorum File System Architectural Overview
A new 1,5-seco grayanotoxin from Rhododendron decorum
Restricted Knowledge, Hierarchy, and Decorum: Modern Perceptions and Ancient Institutions
Insubordination and Intimidation Signal the End of Decorum in Many Classrooms.
Sustained colonization of the black fly Simulium decorum Walker (Diptera: Simuliidae).
The development of Onchocerca spp. in Simulium decorum Walker and Simulium pictipes Hagen.
Begravningspoesin och uppluckringen av principen om decorum : från Johan Runius till Brynolph Hallborg
Laboratory colonization and life table statistics for geographic strains of Simulium decorum (Diptera: Simuliidae).
Assessing the genetic consequences of flower-harvesting in Rhododendron decorum Franchet (Ericaceae) using microsatellite markers