- The effect of deferment will not be physically noticeable for at least several months. By then unemployment will have reached rock bottom.
Germination deferment strategies.Method and system for debt defermentDeferment of the First Birth and Fluctuating Fertility in SwedenSystems and methods for deferment of a print job when the paper supply is insufficientThe Linear Process Deferment Algorithm: A new technique for solving population balance equationsHeavy Stocking and Early-Season Deferment of Grazing on Mediterranean-Type GrasslandAn esthetic alternative to clearcutting? Deferment cutting in eastern hardwoodsDeferment of objective assessment of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism without increased risk of thrombosis: a practical a...Personality traits in Pathological Gambling: Sensation Seeking, Deferment of Gratification and Competitiveness as Risk FactorsEstrutura do capim-braquiária durante o diferimento da pastagem = Signalgrass structure during pasture deferment