- Deflation and financial distress stifled growth.
通货紧缩和金融困境遏制了增长。 - Consumers are always motivated by deflation.
- The first image is the airbag inflation, the second depicts your contact with the airbag, and the third is your coming to rest in the seat and the deflation of the airbag.
The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions
The Debt Deflation Theory of Great Depressions
Deflation of Mount Etna monitored by spaceborne radarinterferometry
Deflation Techniques For An Implicitly Re-Started Arnoldi Iteration
Adaptibe blind separation of sources: a deflation approach
Adaptive separation of independent sources: a deflation approach
Adaptive separation of independent sources: a deflation approach
Adaptive blind separation of independent sources: a deflation approach
A comparison of the cuff deflation method with Valsalva's maneuver and limb compression in detecting venous valvular reflux.
Loubaton, P.: Adaptive blind separation of independent sources: a deflation approach. Signal Process. 45(1), 59-84