- A deflationary mindset started to take hold.
通货紧缩的思潮开始影响全局。 - A severe global recession will lead to deflationary pressures.
Deflationary Universe scenarioA deflationary account of metaphorsDeflationary cosmology with decaying vacuum energy density.The deflationary universe: An instability of the de Sitter universeMeaning and Relevance: A deflationary account of metaphorsString-driven inflationary and deflationary cosmological modelsDecaying vacuum energy and deflationary cosmology in open and closed universesChina: A Stabilizing or Deflationary Influence in East Asia? The Problem of Conflicted VirtueExcitatory Mechanism of Deflationary Slowly Adapting Pulmonary Stretch Receptors in the Rat LungThe Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought: A deflationary account of metaphors