- A deflationary mindset started to take hold.
通货紧缩的思潮开始影响全局。 - A severe global recession will lead to deflationary pressures.
Deflationary Universe scenario
A deflationary account of metaphors
Deflationary cosmology with decaying vacuum energy density.
The deflationary universe: An instability of the de Sitter universe
Meaning and Relevance: A deflationary account of metaphors
String-driven inflationary and deflationary cosmological models
Decaying vacuum energy and deflationary cosmology in open and closed universes
China: A Stabilizing or Deflationary Influence in East Asia? The Problem of Conflicted Virtue
Excitatory Mechanism of Deflationary Slowly Adapting Pulmonary Stretch Receptors in the Rat Lung
The Cambridge Handbook of Metaphor and Thought: A deflationary account of metaphors