demand of v. 要求;向…索取
demand for对…的需求
market demand市场需求
supply and demand供应与需求
meet the demand满足需要,满足要求;符合要求
in demand受欢迎的;非常需要的;销路好;有需要
customer demand顾客需求
on demand见票即付;即期
domestic demand国内需求;本地内部需求
consumer demand消费需求;消费者的要求
demand and supply需求与供应
demand analysis需求分析
water demand需水量
in great demand需要量很大
strong demand强烈要求;殷切需求
actual demand实际需求
power demand功率需量,电力需量
traffic demand交通需求
energy demand能源需求;需能量;能量需要
demand side需求的方面;需要面
- Teaching is a demanding profession.
教学工作是个要求很高的工作。 - Certainly I can agree with you that such duty is both dangerous and demanding.
我当然能同意你的看法,这种任务既危险,要求又严格。 - During that time, messages on the picket signs became more demanding.
在那个时候,抗议海报上的要求也越来越积极。 - He is a demanding child.
他是个很难满足的孩子。 - My chemistry class is very demanding.
我的化学课让我觉得很吃力。 - The work is physically demanding.
Surveying Sterically Demanding N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands with Restricted Flexibility for Palladium-catalyzed Cross-Coupling Rea...
Sterically demanding, bioxazoline-derived N-heterocyclic carbene ligands with restricted flexibility for catalysis
Influence of Sterically Demanding Carbene Ligation on Catalytic Behavior and Thermal Stability of Ruthenium Olefin Metathesis Cataly...
Cognitive impairments in Parkinson's disease: Distinguishing between effort-demanding and automatic cognitive processes
Planar-chiral rhodium(III) catalyst with sterically demanding cyclopentadienyl ligand and its application for enantioselective synth...
The Construction and Improvement of the Norm of Civil Servant's Complaint:Exploring the Counterpart's Demanding for Accountability f...
The Demandingness of Deontological Duties
Demanding Work: The Paradox of Job Quality in the Affluent Economy
ChemInform Abstract: Origin of Enhanced Axial Attack by Sterically Undemanding Nucleophiles on Cyclohexenones
Variability of worked examples and transfer of geometrical problem-solving skills: A cognitive-load approach.