- Jacob set out for Egypt with his sons.
School: Camp CoordinatorA New Approach to Increase Parallelism for Dependent LoopsBusiness managers are continually searching for methods to improve human performance and therefore increase productivity. Prior effo...Categories of Responsibility for Financial Infringements in the Russian FederationTowards Zero Waste Society. New Management Policies for Solid Waste Disposal in Chinese TaipeiAccording to international standards like ASME VIII and ISO 4126-1 and 4126-4 the service condition are to be considered for setting...Biometric Authentication using Keystroke Dynamics - International ...BINDING SITES FORTHE CRY, AC INSECTICIDAL CRYSTAL PROTEIN OF BACILLUS THURINGIENSISIN NOCTUIDAE; 'HEUCOVERPAARMIGERA LEPIDOPTERA: C...A NOVEL METHOD FOR RESONANT AND SOFT- CHARGING OPERATION OF SWITCHED CAPACITOR CONVERTERClinical Observation on Small Incision Extracapsular Extraction and Intraocular Lens Implantation for Cataract in Senile Diabetes Pa...