Independance and conformity in subsistence-level societies.
Flore de la Nouvelle-Caledonie et dependances
La fonction de dependance empirique et ses propriétés. Un test non paramètrique d’independance
The temperature dependance of relaxation mechanisms in amorphous polymers and other glass form liquids
Freezing field dependance of the exchange bias in uniaxial FeF2-CoPt heterosystems with perpendicular anisotropy
Survival of dessicating molluscs Planorbis planorbis L. in dependance on some environmental conditions
Effects of sampling strategy, detection probability, and independance of counts on the use of point counts
The pleasures and pains of distinct self-contruals:The role of interdependance in regulatory focus.
Le degre d'interdependance internationale des prix en France et en Italie = The degree of international interdependence affecting pr...
Reductive Ring Openings of Carbohydrate Benzylidene Acetals Using Borane-Trimethylamine and Aluminium Chloride. Regioselectivity and...