developing country发展中国家
developing process发展过程;展开法
developing time显像时间,显影时间
developing nation n. 发展中国家
developing agent展开剂;显影剂
developing equipment显影设备
developing solvent[化]展开剂;显影溶剂
film developing冲洗胶卷;影片显影
- Chinas oil industry is a developing industry.
中国石油工业是一个发展中的工业。 - Most live in developing nations in tropical climates.
Developing Buyer-Seller Relationships
Developing Buyer-supplier Relationships
Developing and Testing the MOS 20-Item Short-Form Health Survey
A Paradigm for Developing Better Measures of Marketing Constructs
Developing and evaluating complex interventions: the new Medical Research Council guidance
Thirsting for vampire tourism: developing pop culture destinations.
Medical Research Council: Developing and evaluating complex interventions : new guidance
C-Reactive Protein, Interleukin 6, and Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Range of serum cholesterol values in the population developing coronary artery disease.
Projecting Individualized Probabilities of Developing Breast Cancer for White Females Who Are Being Examined Annually