developed country n. 发达国家
developed area[机]展开面积
less developed欠发达地区;不发达的
developed nations 发达国家;已开发的国家(developed nation的复数)
developed market economy发达的市场经济
developed field已开发的油田;开拓了的矿床
- The dolphin has evolved a highly developed jaw.
海豚已经进化形成高度发达的下颌。 - This is an age of developed telecommunications.
这是电讯发达的年代。 - Even in an immature seed the embryo is sufficiently well developed.
甚至在未成熟的种子中,胚已充分发育。 - As a precaution, the marrow houses a standby force of fully developed white cells.
The recently-developed statistical method known as the "bootstrap"can be used to place confidence intervals on phylogenies. It invo...
Do MNEs from developed and emerging economies differ in their location choice of FDI? A 36-year review
Investigation of the thermohydraulic systems in MATLAB & Simulink using developed library
Guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation
A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation.
Authoritative sources in a hyperlinked environment
Ab initio effective core potentials for molecular calculations. II. All〆lectron comparisons and modifications of the procedure
Global mortality, disability, and the contribution of risk factors: Global Burden of Disease Study.
Hwang, W.L.: Singularity detection and processing with wavelets. IEEE Transaction on Information Theory 38, 617-643
Theory of Propagation of Elastic Waves in a Fluid㏒aturated Porous Solid. I. Low〧requency Range