- Devotional music had been arranged by Adhar and Ram.
阿达哈和罗姆已经安排了虔诚的音乐。 - Nothing can take the place of a daily devotional life with Christ.
The Devotional Revolution in Ireland, 1850-75
The sermons and devotional writings of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Devotional Islam and Politics in British India: Ahmad Riza Khan Barelwi and His Movement, 1870–1920
A Controlled Evaluation of Devotional Meditation and Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Technologies of the spirit: Devotional Islam, sound reproduction, and the dialectics of mediation and immediacy in Mauritius
As Makkah Is Sweet and Beloved, so Is Madina: Islam, Devotional Genres, and Electronic Mediation in Mauritius
Training for Leadership in Worship: Devotional Warm-Ups for the Church Choir: Weekly Devotional Lessons and Discussions for Choir Me...
Production and Consumption in a Sacred Economy: The Material Correlates of High Devotional Expression at Chaco Canyon
Shrine - an ongoing research project that explores the re-presentation of devotional iconography through the photographic medium.
SHEMEEM BURNEY ABBAS, The Female Voice in Sufi Ritual: Devotional Practices of Pakistan and India (Austin: University of Texas Press...