- He sat by the fire, devouring beef and onions.
他坐在火炉旁,狼吞虎咽地吃着牛肉和洋葱。 - We watched the flames devour the entire building.
我们看着火苗吞噬整座大楼。 - The child devours fairy tales.
Energieverzehrer Energy devourer
"Cruel Devourer of the World's Light": The Secret Agent
Prolific and Devourer: From Nonmythic to Mythic Statement in "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and a Song of Liberty"
Ignatov et al 2017 A Schistostega pennata Bryophyta spore devourer video
‘He Who is a Devourer of Things’: Monstrosity and the Construction of Difference in |Xam Bushman Oral Literature
Devourer of our convictions: Populist and academic organizational theory and the scope and significance of the metaphor of ‘revolut...
Devourer of Gods: the palaeoecology of the Cretaceous pliosaur Kronosaurus queenslandicus | NOVA. The University of Newcastle's Digi...
A Schistostega pennata (Bryophyta) spore devourer in flagranti—a troglophyle mite Kunstidamaeus lengersdorfi (Acari, Oribatida: Dam...
The mystery of Goya's Saturn (Saturn/Kronos as the ancient deity Time, implacable devourer of all humankind)