- Unlike most other state-funded schools, religious ones select pupils according to their parents' devoutness, rather than their proximity to the school.
宗教学校则不像大部分国有学校那样按照与学校的远近来选择生源,它们强调的是父母虔诚与否。 - This was booming before the crisis, thanks to oil-fuelled liquidity in the Gulf, rising devoutness among Muslims and a fast-developing market infrastructure.
Religious Devoutness Construed as Pathology: the Myth of 'Religious Mania'
Religious Devoutness, Impression Management, and Personality Functioning in College Students
The Duchess of Liancourt: A Female Example of Civil Devoutness?
'Becoming a true Muslim' : Syrian women's journey to devoutness
Does devoutness delay death? Psychological investment in religion and its association with longevity in the Terman sample
Religious Socialization, Present Devoutness, and Willingness to Enter a Mixed Religious Marriage
Religious devoutness in college students: Relations with emotional adjustment and psychological separation from parents.
Studying the Relation between Devoutness and Religiosity Orientation with Rate of Depression in Students
Enlarging the Understanding of Marital Commitment via Religious Devoutness, Gender Role Preferences, and Locus of Marital Control.
Life under the shelter of God (Wayside shrines in the 19th century - customs and manifestation of the folk devoutness of that time)