- This manoeuvre of his is a diabolical conspiracy.
他这一手是个居心叵测的大阴谋。 - The traffic was diabolical in Beijing.
Diabolical conical intersections
Diabolical Points in the Spectra of Triangles
Conical Intersections: Diabolical and Often Misunderstood
‘A diabolical challenge’: public opinion and climate change policy in Australia
Poststructuralist geographies: the diabolical art of spatial science
Conical diffraction: Hamilton's diabolical point at the heart of crystal optics
Chapter 2 Conical diffraction: Hamilton's diabolical point at the heart of crystal optics
Chapter 2 Conical diffraction: Hamilton's diabolical point at the heart of crystal optics
Cosmiclike domain walls in superfluid 3He-B: Instantons and diabolical points in (k,r) space
A Krein space related perturbation theory for MHD α 2 -dynamos and resonant unfolding of diabolical points