Richard Wright: Daemonic Genius
Ann Sexton and the daemonic lover
Coleridge and the Daemonic Imagination
Daemonic ergotropy: enhanced work extraction from quantum correlations
Goethe's Concept of the Daemonic:After the Ancients
Daemonic Figures: Shakespeare and the Question of Conscience by Ned Lukacher
Dramaturgy of the daemonic : studies in antigeneric theater from Ruzante to Grimaldi
CHAPTER THREE: Incorporating the Daemonic : The Symptom and the Subject The Emergence of the Physical Body in Ancient Greece
Rigidity and a changing order . . . disorder, degeneracy and daemonic repetition: fluidity of cultural values and cultural heritage ...
Biblical Tradition in Blake's Early Prophecies: The Great Code of Art by Leslie Tannenbaum; The Holy and the Daemonic from Sir Thom...