albuminousalbuminousALBUMINOUS URINE INDEPENDENT OF KIDNEY DISEASE.Note on errors in the analysis of chloride in albuminous urine.Metabolic pathways in tropical dicotyledonous albuminous seeds: Coffea arabica as a case studyTabular view of the morbid appearances in 100 cases connected with albuminous urineProcess for the manufacture of foam producing albuminous products and their application in foodstuffs and luxuriesThe ultrastructure of Strasburger cells (= albuminous cells) in the secondary phloem ofPinus nigra var.austriaca (Hoess) BadouxProcess for the purification of sewage while recapturing the fatty and albuminous matter in reusable formCases and observations, illustrative of renal disease accompanied with the secretion of albuminous urine. Memoir the second