"James Parkinson did not die of his own personal disease ... he died of a stroke"eponyms: possessive or nonpossessive?REINO UNIDO: 14 die of cancer in seven years living next to phone mast with (...)'It's Better to Be Punished Than to Die of Hunger': ...Says Chandni, Who Is Trying to Get Her Life Back to Normal after the FB EpisodeTake the Test ... Do Not Die of Embarrassment; BOWEL CANCER PATIENT'S WARNINGWhat lichen planus patients die of. A retrospective study.PRESS FORWARDLY FEED DIE OF METALLIC GASKETPress die of disk with shaft shaped portionRoutine surgery: even the porter can do it, still you can die of it ... (in the 21st centuryOap Will Die of Cancer as Flu Cancels Ops; Health Crisis: Tragic Result of Epidemic Sweeping BritainDid James A. Garfield die of cholecystitis? Revisiting the autopsy of the 20th president of the United States