The Vascular Anatomy of Dimerous and Trimerous Seedlings of Phaseolus vulgarisDimerous Electron and Quantum Interference beyond the Probability Amplitude ParadigmPaepalanthus modestus (Eriocaulaceae), a new dimerous species from Goiás, Brazil, with notes on leaf and scape anatomyNote on a regular dimerous flower of Cypripedium candidum[Investigations on the metabolism of the fatty acid polymeres by using 1-(14)C-marked fatty acid polymeres and dimerous/trimerous fa...Change of physical and water-physical properites of Podzolic soils on dimerous depostis as affected by hydromorphic characters and a...Polymerous Leaf Whorls in Vascular Plants: Developmental Morphology and Fuzziness of Organ Identities.Molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of Neotropical Paepalanthoideae with emphasis on Brazilian Paepalanthus (Eriocaulaceae)The Interrelationship of the Number of the Two Types of Vascular Bundles in the Transition Zone of the Axis of Phaseolus vulgarisThe Vascular Anatomy of Hemitrimerous Seedlings of Phaseolus vulgaris