- Use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates.
用热水把菜盘上凝结的油渍冲洗掉。 - You may use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates.
Dinner plate
Dinner plate
Dinner plate
Dinner (What's on Your Plate?)
Hu Jintao's Slide Show Dinner Party
Hu Jintao's slide show dinner party.(bad vacation )
Immunization of animals: from DNA to the dinner plate
Using a smaller dining plate does not suppress food intake from a buffet lunch meal in overweight, unrestrained women ☆
Trunk rotation and hip joint range of rotation in adolescent girls with idiopathic scoliosis: does the "dinner plate"turn asymmetri...
From the Marketplace to the Dinner Plate: The Economy, Theology, and Factory Farming
Between the farm gate and the dinner plate motivations for industrial change in the processed food sector
GM salmon declared fit for dinner plates