Empowerment and disempowernent: Models of staff/patient interaction
Will pastoral legislation disempower pastoralists in the Sahel?
Empowering to disempower: a dilemma when working with adults with learning difficulties
Spoilt for choice? How consumerism can disempower public service users
Taking a Red Pill to Disempower Unethical Students: Creating Ethical Sentinels in Business Schools
Do PRSPs Empower Poor Countries And Disempower The World Bank, or is it the Other Way Round?
Cooperating with the DisempoweredUsing ESOPs to Forge a Stakeholder Relationship by Anchoring Employee Trust in Workplace Participat...
Do Commercialization and Mechanization of a "Women's Crop"Disempower Women Farmers? Evidence from Zambia and Malawi
Life versus disease in difficult diabetes care: conflicting perspectives disempower patients and professionals in problem solving.
Learning to Read Gender Relations in Schooling: Implications of Personal History and Teaching Context on Identifying Disempowerment ...