- This was no idle bravado from disenchanted Muslims.
Disenchanted or Discerning: Voter Turnout in Post-Communist CountriesDisenchanted realists : political science and the American crisis, 1884-1984Enchanting a disenchanted world: revolutionizing the means of consumptionEnchanting a disenchanted world : continuity and change in the cathedrals of consumptionIntellectualization in Macromarketing: A World DisenchantedDisenchanted Evenings: The social organization of talk in parent-teacher consultations in UK secondary schoolsThe United States and Pakistan, 1947-2000: Disenchanted Allies (review)Disenchanted Realists: Political Science and the American Crisis, 1884-1984 by Raymond Seideman; Edward J. HarphamEnchanting a Disenchanted Child: Revolutionising the Means of Education Using Information and Communication Technology and e-LearningEnchanting a disenchanted world: revolutionizing the means of consumption. : George Ritzer, Pine Forge Press, Thousand Oaks, 1999 25...