The Struggle for Mastery: Disfranchisement in the South, 1888–1908
Principle and Prejudice: The Supreme Court and Race in the Progressive Era. Part 3: Black Disfranchisement from the KKK to the Grand...
Race Differences in Public School Expenditures: Disfranchisement and School Finance in Louisiana, 1890-1910
Did Disfranchisement Laws Help Elect President Bush? New Evidence on the Turnout Rates and Candidate Preferences of Florida’s Ex-Fe...
Citizenship and Public Schools: Accounting for Racial Inequality in Education in the Pre- and Post-Disfranchisement South
Defying Disfranchisement: Black Voting Rights Activism in the Jim Crow South, 1890–1908
Social discrediting of psychiatry: The protasis of legal disfranchisement.
The Voting Rights Act: Disfranchisement, Dilution, and Alternative Election Systems