- Covered or smeared with filth; disgustingly dirty.
不洁的,脏的被污物覆盖或弄脏的; 极其丑陋的
The silence struck him. Not a sound stirred the air in that lonely new house except the slight wheeze of his breathing.
Determination of 120 Therapeutic Effect of Treating Children's Disgusting-diet Symptom by Xingxibao
from not merely because of the unknown that was stalking towards them
The amygdala encodes level of perceived fear but not emotional ambiguity in visual scenes.
The germs found inside the New York City subway are disgustingly beautiful
Captain Moonlight: How to Be Disgustingly Rich, like Me
Jackie "The Joke Man"Martling's Disgustingly Dirty Joke Book
Disgustingly delicious -- Creepy, gory-looking dishes help kids, adults get into spirit of Halloween
My Message to Hospital about Its Disgustingly Dirty Floor ; Mum's Horror over Filth in Children's Waiting Room
Nostalgic noshing: Giving thanks for those disgustingly good retro dishes