Auditory stimulation dishabituates anti-predator escape behavior in hermit crabs (Coenobita clypeatus).
Auditory stimulation dishabituates olfactory responses via noradrenergic cortical modulation
Stimulus change dis-habituates operant responding supported by water reinforcers
6-month-old infants dishabituate to a change in an object's actual postion and not to a change in an object's egocentric position
Habituation-dishabituation to speech in the neonate
Dishabituating properties of cognitive and interpersonal stressors
영어 부정접두사에 대하여
Identified octopaminergic neurons provide an arousal mechanism in the locust brain
Do six-month-old infants perceive causality?
The acquisition of word-object associations in 14-month-olds: Does phonetic similarity make a difference?