Chinesestudyconfirms thatthehusbandsof unappealing women earn about 10% lessthanthoseoftheirdishiercounterparts.
AChinesestudyconfirms that the husbandsofunappealingwomenearn about 10% lessthanthoseoftheirdishiercounterparts.
Leistungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit
Heart disease contributes to high stroke mortality in Poland.
Intracerebral hemorrhage: External validation and extension of a model for prediction of 30‐day survival
Language disintegration in dementia: Effects of etiology and severity.
Clinical discriminators of lobar and deep hemorrhages: the Stroke Data Bank
The display of photographic-quality images on the Web: a comparison of two technologies.
The display of photographic-quality images on the Web: a comparison of two technologies
Thyroid gland management in total laryngectomy: meta-analysis and surgical recommendations.
PACS: Speicherung und Abruf digitaler radiologischer Bilddaten
Einsatz von Hypermedia im Bereich der modellbasierten Wissensakquisition