Novel Solid Compositions for Disinfected Water
Outbreak of cryptosporidiosis associated with a disinfected groundwater supply
Can HIV-1-contaminated syringes be disinfected? Implications for transmission among injection drug users.
A new approach to evaluating the toxicity and genotoxicity of disinfected drinking water
Conjunctival Hyperemia and Corneal Infiltrates With Chemically Disinfected Soft Contact Lenses
The use of multiple indices of physiological activity to access viability in chlorine disinfected Escherichia coli O157:H7
Genotoxicity of the disinfection by-products resulting from peracetic acid- or hypochlorite-disinfected sewage wastewater.
Dimensional stability and detail reproduction of irreversible hydrocolloid and elastomeric impressions disinfected by immersion
Persistence of Vibrio vulnificus in tissues of Gulf Coast oysters, Crassostrea virginica, exposed to seawater disinfected with UV li...
Asymptomatic corneal staining associated with the use of balafilcon silicone-hydrogel contact lenses disinfected with a polyaminopro...